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A dentist who pulled someone's tooth while riding a hoverboard has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for fraud and 'unlawful dental acts'

Sep 19, 2020, 01:20 IST
Business Insider
Seth Lookhart's Dental Office/Screenshots by Business Insider
  • An Alaska dentist who pulled a woman's tooth while riding a hoverboard has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for fraud, embezzlement, and "unlawful dental acts."
  • The video was part of prosecutors' case against Seth Lookhart, who was found guilty of defrauding his customers by administering unnecessary procedures to rack up Medicare charges.
  • Prosecutors are seeking $2.2 million in damanges, and Lookhart could also permanently lose his medical license in the state.

An Alaska dentist who was videotaped pulling a woman's tooth while riding a hoverboard is now facing jail time after he was found guilty by an Alaska court.

Seth Lookhart went viral when the video surfaced as part of an investigation into his Anchorage dental practice last year. In the 2016 video, Lookhart rolls up to a sedated patient, pulls her tooth while standing on the hoverboard, and rolls away. Prosecutors said they obtained the video after Lookhart sent it to people outside his office.

This week, an Alaska judge sentenced Lookhart to 20 years in prison with eight years suspended, state law enforcement officials announced. Lookhart was found guilty in January on 46 felony and misdemeanor counts including embezzlement, fraud, and "unlawful dental acts."

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The state first opened an investigation into Lookhart in 2016 after a former employee reported that Lookhart was administering more drugs than necessary in order to bill patients higher, according to the criminal complaint. Lookhart ultimately billed Medicaid as much as $2.5 million for unnecessary charges, prosecutors said.

"Lookhart almost killed many patients by performing anesthesia thousands of times without training or consent, on patients outside his scope of training and expertise, while stealing money from Medicaid and embezzling from his bosses," the Alaska Department of Law said in a press release.


Veronica Wilhelm, the patient in the hoverboard video, confronted Lookhart in court last year, Anchorage's KTUU-TV reported.

"I don't have anything bad to say about taking out my tooth, I appreciate that, but I just think that what you did was outrageous, narcissistic, you know, and crazy," she said.

After being sentenced this week, Lookhart read a statement in court apologizing to his patients, according to KTUU-TV.

"While I do not doubt that I was able to render care and alleviate the pain to many people who were in dire need, I also know that I could have and should have maintained better discipline and focus while serving a patient base I came to love," he said.

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