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Elon Musk learned hypnosis as a child and managed to convince his sister that she was a dog and to eat raw bacon, a new book says

Sep 13, 2023, 03:34 IST
Business Insider
Elon Musk.Chesnot via Getty Images
  • Elon Musk learned magic tricks and hypnosis when he was a kid, according to a new biography.
  • He even convinced his sister, Tosca, that she was a dog and got her to eat raw bacon.

When Elon Musk was a kid, he learned hypnosis and convinced his younger sister that she was a dog and persuaded her to eat raw bacon.

That's according to a new biography, "Elon Musk," by the author Walter Isaacson, which hit bookshelves on Thursday.

The tech mogul liked to occupy himself with reading books, working on the computer, and doing science experiments when he was younger to make up for his lack of a social life, the book said.

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Musk "also learned magic tricks and how to hypnotize people, once convincing Tosca," his little sister, "that she was a dog and getting her to eat raw bacon," it continued.

Tosca Musk, who's three years younger than her brother Elon, was also a social butterfly and frequently went out to parties when the family lived in Toronto.


When she did, Elon would declare that he was going with her because he didn't want to be lonely, the book says.

When Musk insisted on joining her out, Tosca ordered him to "stay ten feet away" from her "at all times," which he did. Musk "would walk behind her and her friends," Isaacson wrote, "carrying a book to read whenever they went into a club or party."

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