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Google CEO Sundar Pichai is excited about Apple's Vision Pro, says efficiency drive will continue

Jun 12, 2023, 23:31 IST
Business Insider
Google CEO Sundar Pichai.Google
  • Google CEO Sundar Pichai said he's excited about Apple's Vision Pro but hasn't tried it yet.
  • He said cost cuts and sharpened focus are "enduring work" and Google will continue to seek efficiency.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai says he's excited about the potential of technology like Apple's Vision Pro to create more immersive computing experiences. He added that although he hasn't tried the $3,499 headset yet, Google has "always felt computing will evolve beyond the black rectangles," referring to today's smartphones.

Pichai made the comments in a recent Q&A with Bloomberg, where he was asked to sound off on a range of subjects including AI and Silicon Valley's recent downturn.

Asked about further cuts at Google, the CEO said that the company will continue to try and make itself more efficient. Google laid off 12,000 workers in January and has cut business with outside firms that employ the company's large contract workforce.

He was also asked about whether Google might need to change its strategy regarding publishing new research after OpenAI used some of the company's own technology to become a competitive threat. Insider previously reported that leaders inside Google are rethinking how much of its cutting-edge AI research it will publish in academic journals as it begins weaving AI through its suite of products.

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In the Bloomberg interview, Pichai said, "On the margins, as things get into products, we would think about what is proprietary." He added, however, that he expects Google will continue to actively publish work in the field of AI.

In the realm of VR and AR computing, Google has repeatedly dabbled with mixed success. Going back to 2o14, the company released a virtual reality headset made out of cardboard that a smartphone would slide into and serve as a display. The cardboard headset was intended as an affordable entryway for new VR users that could expand the potential market for immersive apps. Google released further VR headsets but has largely abandoned the market, instead focusing on AR experiences within its apps, like Google Lens, which lets users search using photos taken from their camera.

Google also infamously created Google Glass, the pricier augmented reality glasses that were derided for being ugly and invasive with a built-in camera that could capture one's surroundings. After focusing on the enterprise market for the past several years, Google recently announced it would stop selling the headsets altogether.

Another tech executive, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, reportedly bashed Apple's Vision Pro headset in a companywide meeting last week, saying it is too expensive and doesn't align with Meta's vision for virtual reality. Meta, of course, makes the Quest line of headsets and is the market leader in the space.

Pichai was also probed about Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's remarks that its own push into AI had prompted Google to "dance," suggesting that Google had struggled for some time to stay nimble. Asked whether Pichai felt the comments were fair, he largely deferred the question, responding wryly, "I think he said it so that you would ask me this question."


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