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Microsoft redesigns Skype with new themes, colour options

Dec 17, 2022, 16:00 IST
Microsoft has redesigned Skype once again, including a new loading experience, new illustrations, and animated emoticons.

It has also introduced new performance improvements and reliability + bug fixes with the new design.

"The theme colours have been updated from last year's release and we've added additional colour options so you can choose your very own favourite colour on light and dark theme for Skype. These beautiful new vibrant colours can now be seen more prominently throughout the product," Microsoft said in a blogpost.

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Moreover, it has also introduced a new mobile Skype calling experience and made a few technial improvements to improve the stability and performance of any video call.

With this, users can now use Skype to get together and have video calls with up to 100 people for up to 24 hours every day.


Further, a new 'Today' tab was also rolled out to Skype with this month's update. With this, users will be able to read and share personalised articles and news stories from trusted sources all over the world with no subscription required, according to the company.

Additionally, the company launched real-time voice translation in Skype, which can now translate a person's voice in real-time using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make the translated voice sound similar to the original speaker.
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