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Samsung India researchers develop handwash app for Galaxy Watch

Apr 17, 2020, 16:15 IST
A team of designers and developers from Samsung Research Institute-Bangalore (SRI-B) has developed a unique ‘hand wash app for Galaxy Watch that prompts users to clean their hands, a key preventive measure in the fight against COVID-19.

The UX and wearable team worked round-the-clock over the last two weeks to come up with a solution that helps you keep healthy and safe,

The app on Galaxy Watch helps users maintain hand hygiene by periodically reminding them about it and ensuring each wash is thorough for the duration of 20 seconds, in line with the WHO-recommended best hygiene practices.

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The app comes with preset reminders which users can customize further based on their needs and schedule.

Each time the user initiates the wash sequence, the ‘hand wash' app tracks the time and provides users with haptic feedback after 25 seconds of wash cycle.


Five seconds are for turning on the tap and applying soap, while 20 seconds are for actual hand wash.

The app also notifies users if they miss any of scheduled washes. Galaxy Watch users can download the ‘Hand Wash' app from the Galaxy Store.

SRI-B is the largest R&D centre outside of South Korea and a key innovation hub in the Samsung group.

The specific purpose of SRI-B is to create USPs for global flagship devices by developing significant advancements in Modem, Multimedia, AI, Internet of Things, and to make for India by catering to the specific needs of Indian consumers.
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