Texas university faculty are freaked out that students will be able to carry guns


concealed carry gun

Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Susan Kushlin poses with a concealed-carry handbag that her company, Gun Girls, Inc., created for women that enjoy guns

Public colleges and universities in Texas are now required to adopt policies that allow concealed weapons on campus.

Texas colleges are beginning to grapple with the ramifications the decision may have on students and faculty.

Concerned professors at The University of Houston (UH) appear to have held a meeting addressing some of their concerns and offering somewhat troubling solutions to fears that classrooms may become violent, Gawker reported.

A Ph.D student at UH tweeted a slide from a meeting that addressed concealed carry laws on campus. The slide advises students and faculty to "be careful discussing sensitive topics and "not 'go there' if you sense anger."


"This is not a slide of the Campus Carry Workgroup at the University of Houston, and it is not official policy," a spokesperson for UH told Business Insider. The slide was written by the UH Faculty Senate, according to the spokesperson.

UH is the third-largest university in Texas. It has about 43,000 students. "The faculty, staff continue to express serious concerns. Some have said they will leave the university," University of Houston System Chancellor Renu Khator told the Houston Chronicle.

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