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The 10 most important things in the world right now

Dec 21, 2015, 12:17 IST

Whirling dervishes perform a traditional &quotSema" ritual during a ceremony, one of many marking the 742nd anniversary of the death of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, in Istanbul, Turkey, late December 19, 2015. Mevlana was an Anatolian philosopher, poet and the father of the Mevlevi sect.REUTERS/Murad Sezer

Good morning! Here's what you need to know today.


1. One person has died and at least 14 others were injured on Sunday night after a car ran into pedestrians on the Las Vegas strip. The incident happened near the hotel and casino where the Miss Universe pageant was being held.

2. Spain's People's Party, led by current Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, won the general election on Sunday, but was short the number of seats needed for an absolute majority. The anti-austerity Podemos party had an unexpected surge, taking third place behind the Socialists.

3. Nearly 100 people are missing in China after a landslide caused by the build-up of waste construction mud.

4. Police arrested a suspect in connection with Paris attacks after raiding a home in Belgium. The detained suspect is not Brussels-born Abdeslam, suspected of having played a key role in the Paris attacks.


5. "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" shattered opening weekend box-office records in North America pulling in $238 million (£159 million).The film made $279 million(£187 million) internationally, the the third-highest opening of all time.

6. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a documentary that aired Sunday night that Russia will continue to develop nuclear weapons but doesn't plan to use them. "We have never brandished or will brandish this nuclear club, but our military doctrine allocates it a place and role," he said.

7. Former US President Jimmy Carter's grandson died Sunday at age 28. The cause of death is still unclear.

8. An Air France plane heading to Paris made an emergency landing in Kenya on Sunday following a bomb scare.


9. Australian billionaire James Packer quit the board of casino giant Crown Resorts, which opened a 420,000-square foot casino in Macauin 2015.

10. SpaceX will attempt to launch its Falcon 9 rocket on Monday. It's the first time the private space company will test a rocket touchdown on land.

And finally ...

The host of Miss Universe, Steve Harvey, accidentally announced the first runner up, Miss Colombia as the winner, when in fact Miss Philippines was the winner.

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