The 8 biggest questions we have after this week's 'Game of Thrones'


Game of Thrones the Queen's Justice season 7

Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO

Jaime might have defeated Olenna in battle, but Olenna defeats his soul with her biting words.

Warning: Spoilers for "Game of Thrones" season seven, episode three, "The Queen's Justice." If you aren't caught up on the series, read at your own risk.


This week's episode of "Game of Thrones" provided a lot more action than the first two episodes of the season. It also had a ton of twists.

Instead of protecting Casterly Rock, Jaime attacks and takes Highgarden. And instead of giving Ellaria Sand a brutal death via The Mountain, Cersei leaves her to rot in the dungeon for the rest of her days, but not before watching her daughter slowly die of poison - and rot.

Things are looking good for Cersei this week.

She got revenge on one of her worst enemies. She outwitted her brother Tyrion in battle strategy. She seems to have the Iron Bank of Braavos on her side. And she eliminated the Tyrell and Martell bloodlines for good (even the bastard Sand Snakes), and in doing so, took out two great houses backing her greatest enemy, Daenerys Targaryen.


But things won't be this great for Cersei for long. Her moves were clever for now, but we have some questions based on what we say in "The Queen's Justice" that could mean her days are numbered.

Here are all the questions we have after this week's episode of "Game of Thrones:"