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The Author Of The Book Mark Zuckerberg Picked For His Book Club 'Had No Clue' It Was Going To Happen

Jan 6, 2015, 03:21 IST

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's official resolution for 2015 is to read a new book every other week for the entire year.


Hundreds of thousands of Facebook users will follow along with his progress, which he'll share on a page he created just for the project.

Zuckerberg's first pick for the book club is "The End of Power," a political study by noted scholar Moisés Naím. 

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The book sold out on Amazon within hours of Zuckerberg's announcement and shot to the top of the charts at Barnes & Noble. The publisher, Basic Books, is reportedly hurrying to print more copies. 

But it turns out that Naím, former executive director of the World Bank and current fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, had no idea that his two-year-old book was going to get a boost from the Facebook CEO. He's never even met Zuckerberg.


"I had no clue that this was going to happen," Naím told Bloomberg's Sarah Frier. "It's gratifying and energizing and a great thing for an author."

"The End of Power" is now back in stock on Amazon, where it's currently the 19th best-selling book. It's in third place on Barnes & Noble's site

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