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The Cool Teens Don't Use Instagram Filters Anymore

Jan 6, 2015, 03:01 IST

My wife had the opportunity to hang out with a few teens this weekend, and she discovered something neither of us knew before: The cool kids don't use Instagram filters.


Specifically, my wife was posing for a picture with a friend, and she mentioned something about making sure they picked the right filter.

One of the teens gave her that look that only teens can muster up for clueless older people, and informed her that they would not be using Instagram filters at all. Or Instagram, for that matter, since they weren't going to be sharing this photo with their friends.

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Instead, they used a couple of other photo filtering apps, Facetune and VSCO Cam.

Facetune is particularly good for smoothing out wrinkles and other facial blemishes, they told her gently. They liked VSCO because it's free.


We have since corroborated this trend with a couple of other teens. My wife - an Instagram devotee - has since downloaded VSCO and loves it. 

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