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'The Daily Show' host Trevor Noah explained how Trump is 'comedy cocaine'

May 10, 2017, 00:40 IST

Frederick M. Brown/Getty

Since Donald Trump first started to run for president, many media companies have experienced a "Trump bump" of increased viewership, but "The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah thinks about a Trump bump in a different way.


"Trump is comedy cocaine," the comedian joked at Variety's Tech and Entertainment Summit in New York on Tuesday. "A bump now and then will get you to a nice place ... [but] you don't want to overdose."

The question of how much Trump to put in "The Daily Show," is one of balance, Noah said.

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"This man can generate news every single day," he said. "Donald Trump is like a sun."

In ancient times, people probably looked up at the sun and said, there's no way it can just keep burning like that, Noah explained. But eventually they must have come to the conclusion it was going to burn for the rest of their lives. Noah feels the same way about Trump.


But you can't make every story just about the president, according to Noah. Continuing with the extended cocaine metaphor, Noah said to get the right Trump balance, what you have to do is "cut it" with something else by finding other issues in the country to tie to the president. It's the story of America, not of Donald Trump.

Despite his numerous drug metaphors, Noah clarified that he wasn't advocating drug use.

"I watch a lot of 'Narocs,'" Noah said, laughing.

Noah also said that Trump's presidency has given him the opportunity to help his audience engage with topics such as global issues that aren't super exciting on the surface.

"He is everywhere," Noah said. "He affects everything."


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