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The #MumbaiRains got even Bollyood reacting and how!

Jun 19, 2015, 17:46 IST


Like every year, Mumbai, the financial capital and the city of dreams, has been flooded with monsoon rains, and like every year, it’s got people talking.

Even though they say that the city never stops, looks like the rains have come fully prepared to change this perception, with local governing bodies requesting people to stay indoors and shutting schools.

Just like everything under the sun, Bollywood celebrities had something to say about Mumbai Rains as well. While some showed anger at the mismanagement of the government, some were seen sharing recent images to warn people about the gravity of the situation.

Check out the tweets below:
Saving the best for the last, here is how talent house actor Boman Irani showed the beauty amongst the chaos.

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