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The NHS's 1.2 million employees are trapped in a 'reply-all' email hell

Nov 14, 2016, 19:06 IST

NHS workers take part in an anti-austerity protest during the first day of the Conservative Party Autumn Conference 2015 on October 4, 2015 in Manchester, England. Up to 80,000 people are expected to attend a demonstration today organised by the TUC and anti-austerity protesters. Conservative Party members are in Manchester for its first conference as a party in a majority government since 1996.Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

The NHS's 1.2 million employees are currently trapped in a "reply-all" email hell.

A "test" email was accidentally sent to everyone who works at the UK health service - prompting a series of reply-all responses from annoyed recipients going out to all 1-million-plus employees of the organisations.

An NHS employee told Business Insider that there have been at least 120 replies so far - meaning that more than 140 million needless emails have been sent across the NHS's network today. As a result, they said, its email systems are running "very slow today."

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The NHS Pensions department is currently warning people on Twitter that "if contacting us by email please be aware that there may be delays in responding due to an issue currently affecting all NHS mail."


Here's a reminder of what to do if you're caught up in a reply-all email chain: Nothing.

Do not reply asking people to stop emailing. Do not ask what's going on. Do not ask to be removed from the mailing list. Do nothing.

Anything else is counter-productive - so just sit back, ignore it, and trust everyone else to do the same. Good luck.


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