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The only 9 apps released in 2015 that we're still actually using

Dec 17, 2015, 21:37 IST

Flickr / Garry Knight

Even as someone who tests out new apps as part of my job, I often find myself getting bored with them after about a week. I stumble across a great concept, and am initially intrigued by it, but realize after a few days that it just doesn't fit into my daily life.


I'm not alone. Most people use the same five apps over and over again.

But there are a few apps every year that do become part of our everyday routines. These apps are here to stay. Of the apps released 2015 - or the ones which had major updates that completely changed how we use them - my colleagues and I identified nine we were still actively using at the end of the year.

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Many of them are still in our rotations because they make something we do every day better: listening to podcasts, checking Twitter, or browsing the news. The others let us do something we hadn't been able to before, from trading stocks without fees to easily making crazy GIFs.

Here are the only apps from 2015 we are actually still using:


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