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The Top 10 Skills That Got People Hired This Year, According To LinkedIn

Dec 18, 2014, 00:47 IST

Flickr.com/alperComputer programmer hard at work


With more than 330 million people using the service to list their resumes, find jobs, or find new hires, LinkedIn has a lot of data about the current job market. 

To close out 2014, the company released a list of the top skills people who got hired this year had listed on their profiles and that recruiters searched for the most.  

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These are the ten skills that got people jobs this year:

  1. Statistics Analysis and Data Mining
  2. Middleware and Integration Software
  3. Storage Systams and Management
  4. Network and Information Security
  5. SEO/SEM Marketing
  6. Business Intelligence
  7. Mobile Development
  8. Web Architecture and Development Framework
  9. Algorithm Design
  10. Perl/Python/Ruby
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