The top 20 hottest markets for vacation home buyers


couple on vacation


Enjoy your home away from home by picking the right destination for your holiday property.

A vacation home can be both a smart investment and a relaxing retreat for when you need to get away.


To help you choose where to get one, online real-estate marketplace Trulia has just released a study on the hottest US destinations for vacation home buyers.

Trulia's list is based off of data from the American Community Survey (ACS), which is provided by the US Census Bureau, from 2007-2011 and from 2010-2014 and on search activity on the site from March to June of this year.

The data was used to determine which zip codes had the highest average increases in seasonal vacation units, with zip codes having to have at least 3,000 housing units and 5% of their overall stock vacant due to seasonal or occasional use in order to qualify.

From Florida to Minnesota, here are the top spots that vacation home buyers are scoping out.
