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The unconventional comedy of 'Thor: Ragnarok' prompted rewrites of 'Avengers: Infinity War'

May 1, 2018, 00:29 IST

Marvel Studios

  • Thor was originally supposed to be a more serious character in "Avengers: Infinity War."
  • Actor Chris Hemsworth voiced concerns after "Thor: Ragnarok" portrayed the character's funnier side.
  • "Infinity War" writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely told Vulture that they turned to "Ragnarok" director Taika Waititi for input.
  • They then made rewrites to Thor's character and his storyline in "Infinity War."

Thor could have been a much different character in "Avengers: Infinity War" if not for "Thor: Ragnarok."

In an interview with Vulture, the "Infinity War" writers - Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely - revealed that Thor was originally supposed to be a more serious counter to the funny Guardians of the Galaxy.

But Thor actor Chris Hemsworth realized how humorous the character had become in last year's "Thor: Ragnarok," which prompted rewrites.

"We changed a few scenes early on because Hemsworth had just done 'Thor: Ragnarok' and was concerned," McFeely told Vulture. "He was like, 'Listen, guys, I've been in Australia and we're doing crazy stuff!'"


"Ragnarok" was much funnier than previous "Thor" movies, and director Taika Waititi created an almost slapstick sci-fi adventure that took full advantage of Hemsworth's comedic talents. Markus and McFeely turned to Waititi for input when rewriting Thor in "Infinity War."

According to Vulture, they "flew Waititi out for two days to pick his brain, then revamped Thor and his 'Infinity War' arc" to reflect the more comical side of the character audiences saw in "Ragnarok."

"Avengers: Infinity War" is currently in theaters.

More on "Avengers: Infinity War":

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