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A YouTuber posted a tearful tribute to her dad, telling her 1.4 million subscribers about their final moments together before he died in a car crash

Sep 15, 2022, 18:20 IST
Pappas' father was pronounced dead on the scene of a car crash on September 11, reports say.Steph Pappas via YouTube
  • A 22-year-old YouTuber posted a video tribute to her father after he died in a car crash in Ohio.
  • She said her father tried to "swerve" away from another car, but was killed a minute from her house.

A 22-year-old Ohio-based YouTuber posted a video tribute to her father on September 13 after he was killed in a car crash just minutes after leaving her house.

Steph Pappas, who has 1.4 million YouTube subscribers, could be seen sobbing in the video as she explained that her mother and father got into a car accident shortly after leaving a family dinner at her house, with only her mother surviving.

She went on to describe the events of the crash, saying that as her parents were driving home, another driver came toward them. "My dad tried to swerve but it happened too soon and he got killed," she said.

Pappas' 53-year-old father, John, was pronounced dead on the scene of the crash on September 11, according to local news outlet Cleveland 19. The outlet reported that a 27-year-old man went left of center and hit Pappas' car; police suspect drugs and alcohol were contributing factors, but no charges have been filed. The Jackson Township Police Department did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

"They left, and two minutes later, I get a call from my mum and it was terrible, it was really terrible. They were only like a minute away from my house and I hurried up and drove there, and it was so heartbreaking," she continued, adding, "It's a miracle my mom survived. It really is. When I saw the car, it was terrible."


Pappas said her family had a pleasant night together just before the incident occurred. "That night we were laughing on the couch, watching YouTube videos together," she said, adding, "I am just so devastated. I don't know what to do with myself."

"I got two hours of sleep the last two days. I haven't eaten anything. I'm in the same shirt that I was last with my dad in, and I haven't showered, I am so broken. I feel empty inside. I feel so confused, like, why did this happen to my family? He was the nicest, best person ever. He really was. It still doesn't feel real," she continued.

The YouTuber's fans have written heartfelt tributes to her father on social media

Pappas explained in her video that her father played a "big part" in her YouTube channel, as he was featured in many of her videos, which typically involved them trying food together.

Fans expressed sadness about the death of the YouTuber's father, and have written supportive messages about Pappas' relationship with him underneath her YouTube video, as well as under an Instagram post made by Pappas on September 14 that featured a montage of clips from YouTube videos that the pair filmed together.

"I'm so sorry steph. the bond you two shared will always be so special," one commenter wrote, while another person said, "Please know your father-daughter relationship impacted SO many lives. This special bond you have is cherished by so many."


The YouTuber also shared a link to a GoFundMe page to support funeral costs under her tribute video, and the fundraiser has received over $78,000 in donations so far.

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