‘Incredible success can come from doing something you love with your whole heart’

‘Incredible success can come from doing something you love with your whole heart’
  • Even after 13 years as a fashion influencer, I am still creating content that resonates with my audience and working with some of the biggest luxury houses.
  • Public relations agencies wrote me off their lists when I moved countries, but I used the new geographic location to my advantage and showcased the products in novel ways.
  • As an influencer and entrepreneur, I've been fortunate to turn my passion into a career, and that has made all the difference.
The last 13 years have been like a roller coaster ride – filled with moments of exhilaration, mixed with fear and uncertainty. The tracks have been shaky at times, and there have been unexpected dips and spirals. But through it all, I've managed to hold on tight, own my flaws, and learn from every experience.

My journey – well, it all started back in 2010 when the concept of bloggers in India was relatively unheard of. It felt like I had found my calling but I also felt like an outsider because no one took my job seriously. But I stayed true to my unique perspective and love for fashion in the hopes that someone out there would connect with me and my style. And, here I am today, over a decade later, still creating content that resonates with my audience, working with some of the biggest luxury houses, representing India globally, and creating a safe space for my community.

People ask me ‘how did you know that this would work out’ and to be one hundred percent honest - I did not. I started my influencing journey back in 2010, but I only started the influencing business in 2016. Maybe because there was no blueprint for success or a proven path to follow as this industry simply didn’t exist. Or maybe because people kept asking me ‘what I am going to do next’ or if this is my ‘legit business’. But, with each collaboration email from brands and positive sentiment from the community, my faith in this business just grew stronger.

But, has it always been rainbows and sunshine? I wish. There have been plenty of challenges and setbacks along the way. One of the toughest times was when I moved countries and was written off from every public relations (PR) agency's list. It was a blow to my confidence and my career prospects. Brands were hesitant to work with me because of the added cost of shipping products internationally, and I felt like I was losing out on opportunities.

But I didn't give up.


Instead, I looked for ways to turn this challenge into an advantage. I used my new geographic location to my advantage, showcasing products in unique and interesting settings that resonated with my audience. I started creating highly-produced content that added value to the brands I was partnering with and set me apart from my peers in India who were promoting the same brands. It wasn't easy, but it was a valuable lesson in resilience and resourcefulness.

Another major hurdle for me for the longest time was coming to terms with the fact that people will always have something to say about me, Whether it is my height, my content, or now when I am getting back to work after 2 months of maternity leave. It took me a good 9 years to get comfortable with the fact that I am going to be a part of dinner-table conversations. Well, it has been a continuous process of learning to let go of the need for external validation and finding the inner strength to just trust my own instincts and judgement.

Today, what surprises me is when I get asked by people, "Wow, you've been doing this for 9/11/13 years? That's incredible!" This made me realise that many people haven't found something that they're truly passionate about, something that fuels them with purpose and dedication.

When you find something that you truly love, time seems to fly by because you're constantly inspired and motivated to keep going. And for me, that's been the case with my career as an influencer and entrepreneur. I've been fortunate enough to turn my passion into a career, and that has made all the difference.

I've seen firsthand the incredible success that can come from doing something you love with your whole heart. It's not just about financial success, but also about fulfilment, purpose, and making a positive impact in the world. And, if you ask me if I'd keep doing this even if I wasn't paid, I'd say yes in a heartbeat.

Because I love what I do. And, if you haven’t found it yet…keep looking and then let the magic unfold.

Masoom Minawala is a fashion influencer and entrepreneur.