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There's a new Twitter feature that lets you swipe away pictures on your phone, and people are griping

Feb 14, 2015, 01:32 IST

Twitter has been rolling out a new feature on mobile that lets you swipe to dismiss pictures.


In the past, you'd have to tap on images to close them and return to your Twitter feed. Now you can just swipe them away.

The only word from Twitter about the change came in the form of a tweet from the Twitter Mobile account on Thursday.

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From a user interface perspective, this seems like great news! It should be intuitive and simple.

But it looks like a lot of users are not very happy with the change. 


At the least, they're unpleasantly surprised.

Twitter/ScreenshotOf course, they've taken to Twitter to voice their discontent.

Twitter's update is not unlike the swipe-to-dismiss feature third-party app Tweetbot employed a few years ago.

 When reached for comment, a spokesperson for the company didn't say whether the new swipe to dismiss feature was a test. Some Twitter users report seeing the new swipe feature as far back as last spring.  


Last month, Twitter announced the launch of a "while you were away" feature that surfaces the top stories you may have missed while you weren't looking at the app.

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