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These Animated Maps Of The Wind Circling The Earth Are Totally Mesmerizing

Dec 28, 2013, 00:08 IST

Cameron Beccario

This small screengrab of a map of the Earth's winds circling the globe doesn't do justice to the big animated versions you can see here and here.


The maps were created by Tokyo-based software engineer Cameron Beccario.

He made them by taking windspeed data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association and the National Weather Service and streaming it into an animation that changes depending on what altitude's winds you want to see.

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Pink and white wind is moving fastest, blue and green wind is moving slowest.

So this view reflects the wind near the surface of the Earth:


Cameron Beccario

But this one reflects much higher altitude:

Cameron Baccario

But again, you have to see the animated versions in order to get the full, mesmerizing effect. You can see a "globe" version of the map here or a "flat" one here. Play with the "projection" and "height" controls to see the wind the way you want it. Here's a crazy looking "Atlantis" projection:

Cameron Beccario

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