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These are the biggest losers in the future of healthcare

Jul 23, 2019, 15:31 IST


The US healthcare sector is undergoing intense political scrutiny, giving rise to a number of legislative priorities that could undermine the creditworthiness of major players in the US healthcare industry, per a recent S&P global report.

Creditworthiness refers to a company's ability to repay a loan, which can depend on factors like cash flow, market share, and the economic health of a sector a company operates in. With policymakers across the aisle floating proposals from "Medicare for All" to hospital pricing transparency, many long standing industry practices - and the players that rely on them - are at risk.

In The Biggest Losers in The Future of Healthcare, we break out the entities that stand to struggle from three pieces of regulation currently in circulation, and the likelihood of each legislation passing.

Click here to download the full report - completely FREE!


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