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These Showgirls Work For Tips At CES And Make An Amazing Sum Of Money Doing It

Jan 8, 2014, 10:14 IST

Megan Rose Dickey


It wouldn't be Las Vegas without the showgirls. And sure enough, standing outside CES, the gigantic consumer electronics convention in a chilly Sin City this week, were two showgirls in blue ostrich feathers, Michelle Greider (on the left) and Kaleigh Hamner.

But it turns out they have absolutely nothing to do with any of the companies exhibiting at the show.

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They're freelance showgirls, who will let you get a picture taken with them for tips.

Immediately, we became interested in how much money you can make taking tips from tech geeks who want a selfie with some showgirls. Here's what they told us:


"So far $110 a piece," Hamner said.

"And we've been here about 40 minutes," Greider added.

Megan Rose DickeyMichelle Greider and Kaleigh Hamner.

On a good day, they'll get $500 each after just a few hours' work. On the day we met them they planned to end their shift after just three hours.

They're "independent contractors" for a company called Red Feather Showgirls. "We rent out the outfits and we model them and take pictures for tips," Hamner said. Normally they work a spot near Planet Hollywood on the Strip. The biggest months for showgirl photos are June and September, they said.

They describe the job as fun because they get to talk to a bunch of people, "everyone from severe schizophrenics to multimillionaires," Hamner said.


Of course, there is a downside. "Dealing with some really rude people at times, especially when they've been drinking. But you know it comes with the job. You just have to know how to handle it," Greiner says.

And if you're wondering: The costumes are comfortable because they're lightweight - it's all made out of feathers, sequins and felt.

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