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Thieves Swipe Nearly $70,000 From Bitcoin Exchange

Mar 25, 2014, 19:48 IST

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Here we go again.


Thieves have made off with approximately 1.55 million in a digital currency called BlackCoin, worth 120 Bitcoin, or about $70,000, from exchange site Cryptorush.

Cryptorush rep "linkandzelda" made the announcement on Bitcointalk.org. The thieves took advantage in a glitch involving BlackCoin, a proof-of digital currency, to swipe the Bitcoin, he said. User balances at the exchange were accidentally inflated to an extra 22 million coins, allowing them to withdraw more than they had.

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"We'll post more when we know how we can pay back affected users or get some compensation for this massive massive loss," linkandzelda wrote. "100 BTC doesn't just come out of thin air, so please be patient while we make this right."

So far, Bitcoin prices haven't changed much on the news, and now stand at $579.


(Spotted by CryptoCoinNews)

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