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This App Is Like The Instagram Of GIFs

May 1, 2014, 06:25 IST

Have you found yourself secretly wishing you could easily make GIFs from your phone? Well the search is over. A new app called Ultravisual will guide you through the GIF-making and GIF-sharing process.


The app is kind of like Instagram, but with more functionalities. You can share photos and videos in addition to GIFs, and you can add filters and adjust intensity.

More complex tools let you add titles, crop, filter, splice, re-order, and trim all types of media. You also have the option of combining photos into video.

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One you finish your creations you can share them in collections or create new collections. You can also text, email, or tweet the finished product.

You can download the app for iOS here. The app is not yet available on Android.


Here's a screenshot of one of the collections in Ultravisual.


This is a GIF of creating a GIF in the app. Meta.


Be careful where you swipe. Pulling down deletes a GIF/photo/video.


And if you're not in the mood to create your own visuals, just search through all the app's collections.


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