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This chart shows how good Netflix is at making shows compared to rivals like HBO

Dec 15, 2016, 21:41 IST


Netflix is set to release 1,000 hours of original TV shows and movies in 2017, which means you'd have to spend an insane 41 days straight binge-watching to reach the end.


Netflix's originals range from $130 million costume dramas like "The Crown," to children's fare, to a new push into "unscripted" shows (think game shows, and so on).

Netflix wants to give you everything - except live sports, as Netflix execs have said repeatedly.

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But how good is Netflix at making shows?

Netflix's big pitch has always been that it can use its data and algorithms to make better programming decisions. Basically, it knew you would like "Stranger Things" before you did, based on all the '80s nostalgia floating around in your viewing behavior.


That hasn't always worked, however.

"Marco Polo," which was supposed to help boost Netflix internationally, was recently cancelled after two seasons, and was responsible for a $200 million loss, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Research by UBS in September suggested "The Ranch," an Ashton Kutcher sitcom for Netflix, which many thought would help Netflix continue to open up the Midwest, was actually underperforming in that market. (Kutcher, for the record, said in October that it was doing well, especially in the Midwest).

That said, Netflix's original shows have already made an undeniable dent in the TV industry, both in critical claim and popular appeal. And it recently snagged two of the best drama series Golden Globe nominations (for "The Crown" and "Stranger Things"), along with six noms overall. But award shows aren't everything.

So how does Netflix generally stack up against other networks in the quality of its shows?

Streaming blog Cut Cable Today decided to take a look at which cable networks and streaming services were actively producing the best original shows, based on ratings from Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes. (See the full methodology here).


CCT found that, on average, FX and HBO ruled the day, which puts them roughly in line with this year's Golden Globe nods. Netflix came in fourth, right behind Starz, but beat out streaming rival Netflix.

Here is the full chart of how the networks stacked up against each other:

Cut Cable Today

Here are the full numbers from CCT:

1. FX: 85


2. HBO: 81

3. Starz: 79

4. Netflix: 77

5. Hulu: 77*

6. AMC: 76


7. Showtime: 75

8. Amazon: 71

9. USA: 69

* "Hulu scored 77, but this number may not be entirely accurate. About half of the company's original shows don't have ratings on Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic."

Netflix CFO David Wells has said that eventually Netflix's goal is to have its content have about a 50/50 split between licensed and original work. It plans to spend $6 billion on content in 2017.


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