This guy quit his job to play Pokemon Go full-time


guy quits job pokemon


He's gonna be the very best, like no one ever was.


New Zealand man Tom Currie is currently living every 90's kid's ultimate fantasy: He's a full-time Pokémon trainer.

Currie, 24, quit his job in Auckland last week and has embarked on a one-month tour through New Zealand to play the insanely popular new smartphone game Pokémon Go, the Guardian reports. The ultimate goal, of course, is to catch 'em all. So far he's snagged 90 of the game's 151 available Pokémon.

"I wanted to have an adventure," Currie told the Guardian. "I have been working for six years and I was desperate for a break. And Pokémon gave me the chance to live that dream."

Currie has booked 20 bus trips around the country and has been sleeping on friends' couches to save money. But after learning about his quest, transportation companies have offered him passage to remote parts of the country, where rare Pokémon spawn.


He also has his mom's support.

"Tom is a very spur-of-the-moment, independent kid, he always has been," she told the Guardian. "His nana and I don't understand the game but I remember him loving it in his childhood. I am just glad he is out enjoying his life and seeing so much of New Zealand."

Follow Currie's Pokémon adventure on Instagram right here.

NOW WATCH: How to hatch your eggs in 'Pokémon GO' without walking