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Tinder wants you to match with Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump

Oct 26, 2016, 18:30 IST



Your next Tinder match could be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

On Wednesday the popular dating app re-introduced "Swipe The Vote," a feature that lets users swipe on issues like taxes, immigration, and gun control to see which presidential candidate they agree with the most.

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The feature was first introduced in March, but Tinder is making it available again from October 25 to November 1 ahead of general election day in the U.S. on November 8.

Tinder CEO Sean Rad told Business Insider that the feature started as a side project within the company, after people started using the app to advocate early in the campaign process for candidates like Bernie Sanders. Then Tinder approached the non-profit Rock the Vote to help put together the polls and prompt people to register to vote in the app.


Rad said Tinder saw a need to "cut through the noise" around the election and help the app's millennial user base understand where they fall on key policy issues.

"We look at Tinder as a broader platform to do good in the work and not necessarily just a business," he said.

Tinder users in the U.S. will see Swipe The Vote when they open the app until November 1.


NOW WATCH: A woman who's gone on 150 Tinder dates reveals the worst mistakes men make

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