To Get The Hottest Job On Wall Street, You Have To Be Much More Than Good At Math


It seems like every young person on Wall Street wants to end up in private equity these days - great pay, interesting projects, and often smaller, more close knit companies are making the space very attractive.


This means fierce competition.

So what's going to set you apart in an interview? According to Tom Murphy, Co-Founder of the private equity firm Crestview, above all else, you've got to be able to convey to others that you want to help.

This is Wall Street, after all, everyone should be able to put together a model.

In a recent Open Door interview with finance career site OneWire, Murphy says, "You've got to be smart…but it is impossible to walk into a room and impress everybody so singularly with analysis, insight, and math. You can walk into a room and impress people by showing them that you are a good guy who can communicate complicated ideas in a simple way."


There's making the model, and then there's explaining to companies how that model is going to make their business better.

Murphy believes his focus on trying to solve other's problems is one of the key reasons for his success: "I was comfortable making the management teams out to be the star, rather than making the Wall Street people out to be the star…I think most people like to be the star." He continues, "If you show up and try to help, you'll find that the world works pretty hard for you."

Watch Murphy's insightful interview below or check out the Open Door series on OneWire.