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Trump invented a new nickname for Jeff Bezos in a tweet mocking his divorce

Jan 14, 2019, 15:35 IST

President Trump has given Jeff Bezos a new nickname.Reuters/Joshua Roberts/Susan Walsh/AP/Business Insider composite

  • US President Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday night mocking Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos over his divorce, dubbing him Jeff "Bozo."
  • In the tweet, Trump appeared to praise the National Enquirer, the gossip tabloid which published details of Bezos' relationship with former TV news anchor Lauren Sanchez.
  • Trump berated the Washington Post, which is owned by Bezos.
  • The Post published a bombshell report last week about Trump's meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

US President Donald Trump has mocked Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos over his divorce in a tweet.

In a flurry of posts on Sunday evening, Trump seemed to revel in Jeff Bezos' impending divorce from his wife MacKenzie. The president baptised Bezos with a nickname, dubbing him "Jeff Bozo."

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Previously Trump - who has been married three times - told reporters he thought the divorce was going to be "a beauty."

Read more: Trump wishes Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos good luck with his divorce, says it's "going to be a beauty"


In his tweet Trump seems to refer to reporting by the National Enquirer, a gossip tabloid which published pictures of Bezos with former TV news anchor Lauren Sanchez, and obtained texts sent from Bezos to Sanchez.

The Enquirer is a longtime ally of Trump's, and its publisher admitted in December to having bought the rights to ex-playmate Karen McDougal's story of an affair with Trump so that it could quash it using a "catch and kill" deal.

Trump has also long been critical towards Bezos, who bought the Washington Post - a publication the President has attacked for its agenda against his administration - in 2013.

The Post published an article last week claiming that Trump was secretive about his meetings with Vladimir Putin, concealing details from senior officials. Trump phoned into Fox News on Saturday night to refute the article, saying: "I'm not keeping anything under wraps, I couldn't care less."

The president also has a history of animosity toward Amazon. Axios reported in March that Trump is "obsessed" with taking down Amazon.


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