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Tumblr Fires Its Editorial Team

Apr 10, 2013, 16:30 IST

Tumblr announced late last night that its firing its editorial team and shutting down its Storyboard project.


BetaBeat was the first to confirm that the editorial employees were fired.

Storyboard was a curated Tumblr page that pulled in editorial content from a variety of sources on the blogging network, including a lot of stuff from big media brands.

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Here's Tumblr CEO David Karp's full announcement:

A year ago, Tumblr did something unprecedented — we created an editorial team of experienced journalists and editors assigned to cover Tumblr as a living, breathing community. The team’s mandate was to tell the stories of Tumblr creators in a truly thoughtful way — focusing on the people, their work, and their stories. The result of this ambitious experiment was Storyboard.


After hundreds of stories and videos, features by publishers ranging from Time to MTV to WNYC — not to mention a nomination for a James Beard Award and entries into this year’s NY Press Club Awards — we couldn’t be happier with our team’s effort. And as Tumblr continues to evolve, we’ll always be experimenting with new ways to shine light on our creators.

What we’ve accomplished with Storyboard has run its course for now, and our editorial team will be closing up shop and moving on. I want to personally thank them for their great work. And please join us in wishing them well.

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