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Two New Yorkers Took Out A Full-Page Ad To Ask For More Tesla Features, And Elon Musk Responded

Aug 24, 2014, 04:46 IST

Two "VERY highly satisfied" owners of the Tesla Model S from Southold, New York took out a full-page ad in a Silicon Valley newspaper on Friday, and Elon Musk actually responded by saying many of their suggestions would be implemented soon.


The husband and wife say in the ad they are both Tesla owners, but don't reveal their names. But the ad is not all about airing their grievances. They open with compliments to "automotive visionary" Elon Musk, telling him he has built "the great American car."

Among the suggestions for the Model S in the ad called an "Open Letter to Elon Musk," placed in the Palo Alto Daily, they'd like:

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  • Monitors and sensors to alert the driver to blind spots, cross-traffic, and objects that might hit the car in the front and rear
  • Voice-activated phone dialing
  • The cup holder moved forward
  • The power-charging cap to close if a power cord is removed

Although an email may have worked, the ad seemed to have the desired effect and gained the attention of Musk himself. In a tweet on Saturday, Musk said "many of the suggestions will be implemented soon."


Which suggestions, we're not sure. But we reached out to Tesla for clarification and/or comment and will update if we hear back.

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