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UKIP's MP tried to start a Twitter campaign for tech entrepreneurs who want to leave the EU

Dec 30, 2015, 21:29 IST

Flickr user Steve Punter / Wikimedia, CC

UKIP MP Douglas Carswell claimed on Wednesday that the UK's technology sector would do better if the UK left the European Union.


The politician, a Member of Parliament for Clacton, made his remarks when replying to London mayoral candidate Sajid Javid who had asked Twitter what should be included in the UK's upcoming Digital Strategy if the nation's tech sector is to do even more for the economy.

Carswell replied saying exempting the UK from "single market red tape" on digital services and EU VAT rules would be a "good start".

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He accompanied his Tweet with a hashtag reading #DigitalSaysLeave, which is interesting given the vast majority of people working in the UK tech sector actually want to stay in the EU based on this survey from industry trade body techUK.

A number of tech entrepreneurs, policymakers, and investors got involved in the debate, with Eileen Burbidge, a business advisor to Prime Minister David Cameron and an early employee at Skype, among the first to counter Carswell's remarks.


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