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We talked to the guy who makes dragons come to life on 'Game of Thrones' about Sunday's big fiery battle

Aug 9, 2017, 18:48 IST

PixomondoAs Daenerys' dragons get bigger and bigger, she interacts with them more often. She rides them, climbs them, and yells "Dracarys!" at them.


And in last Sunday's episode, we saw Drogon, her biggest and most beloved dragon, in action more than ever before. In the episode, Daenerys rides him over a field of battle as he roasts Lannisters left and right.

But what kind of work went into that scene? How do you make Daenerys' dragon riding look real?

Business Insider recently talked to the "Father of Dragons," Sven Martin. Martin is the VFX supervisor from Pixomondo Studios, and has been working on the dragons at Pixomondo Studios since season two of "Game of Thrones."

Here's what Martin had to say about the complications of animating a dragon when there's a person (Daenerys) interacting with it.


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