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What it takes to land 11 jobs that pay over $100,000 a year

Jul 12, 2016, 18:27 IST

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

Surgeons and lawyers aren't the only professionals raking in six figure-paychecks. There are plenty of other high-paying jobs out there - and many don't require an advanced degree.


To give you a better idea of the variety of high-paying careers available to you, Glassdoor put together a list of 11 jobs that pay over $100,000 a year, along with advice on how to get hired for each one.

For many of these jobs, total pay is highly dependent on the base salary. But for other jobs, a big part of employees' total pay is earned through other forms of compensation (i.e. commissions, tips, and bonuses). To be considered for the list, a job must have received at least 60 salary reports shared by US-based employees over the past two years.

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Here's how to land these 11 high-paying jobs:

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