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Yahoo's New Strategy: Kill Old Products

Mar 2, 2013, 20:15 IST

APYahoo will be shutting down a number of projects over the next few months so that it can channel more attention to its more important products.


Beginning April 1st, users can say goodbye to Yahoo Message Boards, Avatars, Sports IQ, Clues, and the Yahoo BlackBerry app (if you've already installed the app, you'll be able to keep using it).

The Finance and Fantasy Sports Message Boards will continue to function, though they won't be updated or supported.

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This is one more in a series of changes that CEO Marissa Mayer has implemented since she took the reins of the company last year. For example, the Yahoo homepage underwent a big redesign, as did the company's email product. Most recently we've seen her establish a semi-controversial rule that Yahoo employees working from home will no longer be able to do so.

Will these changes help the company? Let us know in the comments!


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