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You can own this photo of Steve Jobs but it will cost you AT LEAST $13,000

Mar 20, 2015, 05:38 IST

That handsome, long-haired dude is Steve Jobs circa 1972, a senior in high school. And that piece of memorabilia, along with the whole high-school yearbook it belongs to, is being auctioned off right now on eBay by someone who went to school with Jobs.


The seller, known only as"bcwright77," was friends with Jobs' sister and the sellers' brother had classes with Jobs, the person told Cult of Mac.

The seller describes Jobs as a class clown type who didn't seem serious about school and even goofed off a lot in an electronics class they shared. Jobs must have paid attention on some level. But no one could have predicted then he would go on to create one of the world's most valuable and profitable consumer electronics companies in Apple, and then die too young, at age 56.

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The seller started the bidding at $5,000 and will get much more. With a couple days left on auction, the bid is currently at about $13,000. A bargain? Perhaps. That's less than a top-of-the-line Apple Watch!

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