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​ Forget your Diwali gluttony: Detoxify your body with these easy steps

​ Forget your Diwali gluttony: Detoxify your body with these easy steps
Thelife2 min read

Finally, Diwali is over. Over last few days your body has been subjected to tremendous torture. You have skipped morning walk/ going to the gym, binged on oily food, and consumed alcohol like it was raining happy hours.

If you haven't gone that far, there still must have been some change in daily routine. A break in routine is never a thing to worry unless you are sure you can control your calories later by working out and detoxifying your body.

Since your system has been subjected to too much unusualness and needs a flush out, here's Ashish Gupta of 3 and a Half Cafe at Gold’s Gym in Gurgaon telling you what you need to do:

Don't Starve yourself or go on a super strict diet.

Add more water and fibre in your diet

Since you had alcohol running in your system for almost a week , it's now time to flush the toxins.
Just drink 10-12 glasses of water a day and eat a bowl of fruits ( papaya , orange , watermelon , pomegranate , apples only ) twice a day.
Fruits will add extra fibre in your diet which will keep you full .

Restrict sugar and moderate carbs
Say no to extra sugar completely and keep moderate carbs to 100 gms a day .
Please remember no means no. Not even a single spoon of added sugar.

Nothing in this world comes easy, and especially losing weight.
Having said that, combining above 2 with exercising will help you get fit in time for new years !
So unfreeze your gym membership and get going.

What exercises to follow
1.Cardio -
Basic to any weight loss. Do cardio everyday for about 20 mins.
And by cardio we don't mean walking in treadmill while discussing your diwali with your friends !
Intense cardio will help you burn fat , reduce water retention and release toxins

2. Weights -
Unlike the common myth, weight training does help you with drastic weight loss.
It not only tones muscle but aids in fat loss , which are stored in muscles.

3. Group classes -
If you are not the gym kinds , then opt for group classes.
Sweat it out at zumba or spinning or yoga class

So get up and get going
Even Tom and Jerry used to run after a feast !


