7 things people think are terrible for their finances that actually aren't


magic trick surprised kid

Flickr/Jamie McCaffrey

Don't believe everything you've been told.

I remember being terrified when I got my first credit card at 20 years old. And I was reluctant to get a second one a few years later.


Won't this derail my credit score and make me look irresponsible with money?, I wondered, even though I never came close to the credit limit and paid off my balance in full every month. It scared me to have the power to spend money I didn't technically have.

Then a friend told me she had six credit cards and no debt. Turns out, having multiple credit cards is actually a smart move, despite my believing for years that it would kill my financial stability.

Below, Business Insider breaks down more common personal finance myths - good news: you're not "wasting money" if you're renting - so we can all stop believing some things are terrible for our money when they really aren't.