Here's what your college degree says about your drinking habits


Your college degree says more about your drinking habits than you think.


People who have graduated from college and make at least $75,000 a year not only drink more than those who haven't, but also prefer wine, a new Gallup poll finds. While eight in 10 adults in these socio-economic status groups say they drink, only about half of lower-income Americans and those with a high school diploma or less say they drink.

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Gallup's explanation for the difference in the percentage who drink?

Americans who have a higher socio-economic status have the means to purchase alcohol whenever they want to drink. However, Gallup also reasons that people with a higher income can afford to go out to restaurants and more frequently participate in social activities that involve drinking.


Other factors that correlate with Americans' drinking habits include how religious people are and their gender. Of those polled, 47% of the people who attend church regularly say they drink while 69% of those who attend less often drink. Also, fewer women, 59%, reported drinking than men, 69%.

Overall, Americans are fond of their alcohol; 64% of Americans polled said they drink. Beer also takes the heart of Americans, as it leads as the drink of preference with 42% percent drinkers saying they prefer beer, as shown below:

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But for college graduates, they know their drink of choice is wine, 44%, as opposed to beer, which got 35% preference. Among college students, or poll-takers who had completed some college and high school or less, beer was the drink of choice:


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The poll was part of the Gallup Poll Social Series conducted during the same month every year. July surveys take a look at Americans' consumption habits. For this poll, 1,009 people living in the US of 18 years or older were interviewed.