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A Mumbai Autowallah who could give Chris Martin a run for his money!

A Mumbai Autowallah who could give Chris Martin a run for his money!

“Everyone has an untold story hidden behind the closed doors, try to understand that people are not always as they first seem,” and perhaps this quote has helped Kunj Karia, a professional blogger, awaken the-long-sleeping rockstar in this Mumbai autowallah.

It was an extreme co-incidence when Kunj Karia discovered that he was being driven home from his second guitar lesson by this autowallah, who was once a professional guitarist. The moment that auto driver saw Kunj holding the guitar, he put across a few questions. And this was enough for Kunj to know that the autowallah has a deep understanding of this musical instrument. Kunj writes in his blog, "Five minutes in the conversation, I understood he knows a lot about guitar."

The auto driver told Kunj, "I used to play with a group of friends, at small restaurants and bars. We used to perform on streets also.” Stating the reason for him to stop playing, the auto rider said, “Money wasn’t good for musicians back then. Also, there was no assurance of a gig on a daily basis. I was married and I needed something which assured my family food, at least twice a day.”

When Kunj enquired about his friends with whom he played guitar and sought other details, the autowallah said, “We started playing when we were around your age. They used to go to college, I couldn’t since I was working at a factory during day time. Every evening we used to meet, play our favorite songs and perform at some bars if we could get in. Good times, those.”

Riding down memory lane, the autowallah, who once again wanted to cherish the memories of those golden days, couldn’t resist asking Kunj, "You mind if I play something on your guitar? It's been long since I played one?" Kunj immediately said, “Sure! I’d love to listen to you.”

And then he started playing the background score from Sholay, one of the best Bollywood films. Suprisingly, the autowallah hadn’t forgotten even a single string, despite the long years away from it! Besides, he also told Kunj that “My son learns and plays on his friends’ instrument.”

This ride ended with words of affirmation from the autowallah, who said, “Don’t give up on the guitar for a year and the guitar won’t give up on you ever.”

Now watch this autowallah strum the guitar like a pro!


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