The company has built a new Pac Man game right into

To make the experience better, Google is even offering suggestions on places to better experience this game.
The company has further (fake) announced a new product known as Google Panda, which is essentially a Panda that is also your
A more simple prank from Google is the com.google site which displays everything backwards. Even the search results shown here is backwards, which is a nice way to get a kick out of your
Then there's Smart Mailbox for Inbox which promises to bring all your mails from the Inbox app in the physical form through a mailbox.
Moving on, there's the keyless keyboard which lets you type input without using the keyboard. You simply have to blow into the pipe which is attached to the device.
Chrome users will not be exempt from the fun as Google has announced a new Chrome Selfie feature which lets you capture your emotions after reading something online. Google says "With #ChromeSelfie you can share sites with your family and friends on social media and via instant messages, along with a handsome selfie instead of cumbersome text."
Do you have any favorite pranks from the list above?