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BII REPORT: How Consumers Are Using Their Phones, And What It Means

Apr 4, 2013, 23:49 IST

Mobile is no longer a communications utility, but a media distribution hub. According to eMarketer, mobile now accounts for 12 percent of Americans' media consumption time, triple its share in 2009.


Where is this consumer attention being focused?

The biggest beneficiaries have been mobile apps. Time spent on apps dwarfs time spent on the mobile Web, and smartphone owners now spend 127 minutes per day in mobile apps.

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In a recent report from BI Intelligence, we analyze the main mobile usage trends developers and publishers should consider to be successful in mobile, detail how users are consuming content on their mobile devices, take a look at the most popular mobile activities, and examine how mobile usage is an additive activity.

To access the full report, sign up for a free trial of BI Intelligence today >>>


Here's an overview of the four usage trends developers and publishers should consider:

The report is full of charts and data that can be easily accessed, downloaded, and put to use.

In full, the report:

To access BI Intelligence's full report on Mobile Usage, sign up for a free trial subscription here.

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