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Businessweek Cover Shows Macs Are More Mainstream Than PCs

Oct 31, 2013, 20:09 IST

Bloomberg Businessweek's latest cover story is about President Obama's recent blunders with the Healthcare.gov website.


The cover shows a partially loaded digital image of Obama with Apple's iconic spinning beach ball icon that shows up whenever your Mac freezes up.

And that really stuck out. If this cover had been made just a few years ago, that icon likely would've been an hourglass, the icon Microsoft uses when a Windows PC is thinking.

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As Reuters writer Felix Salmon points out, this is a telling sign that Apple's Mac OS X is finally mainstream, something that would've been unthinkable just a few years ago.

It makes sense, too. PC sales are going down the tube as customers choose to buy cheaper smartphones and tablets instead. And even though Windows PCs aren't selling as well as they used to, Apple expects to see year over year growth this quarter in its Mac business.


Meanwhile, Windows PC users are going through an uneasy transition with Windows 8, a radically different operating system designed for devices with touchscreens. Windows 8 isn't that great to use on traditional desktops and laptops.

Here's another look at the Businessweek cover, in case you missed it:

Twitter/Slade Sohmer

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