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Here's how brands and retailers are successfully targeting millenial women

Jul 9, 2015, 21:11 IST

There are now more millennials than any other age group in the US and as their discretionary spending rises, retailers and brands are focusing even more efforts targeting these consumers. Now, proximity marketing systems such as beacons have emerged as an effective strategy - particularly among women, according to new data released by marketing firm inMarket.

  • 20% of millennial women have used at least one beacon-enabled app within the last month.
  • Millennial-aged mothers are even more likely to use beacon-enabled apps. 38% of millennial-aged moms have used a beacon-enabled app within the last month.

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inMarket did not release data about whether millennial-aged men are actively using beacon-enabled shopping apps, nor did the marketing firm specify to what degree people were engaging with beacon-enabled apps. Based on our own research, we know that many developers enable beacons within their apps in order to distribute coupons and offers to their users. As the number of consumers who can potentially be targeted by beacons increases, we expect retailers to use this technology to push coupons and offers in greater volume to shoppers' smartphones.

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We estimate that beacon-triggered messages could directly influence up to $4.1 billion of total US store sales this year (or .1% of sales volume at the top-100 retailers). That figure will grow 10X in 2016.

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