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Here's How Google Plans To Make You Want To Buy A Pair Of Its Dorky Computer Glasses

Mar 18, 2014, 18:00 IST

Carlo Allegri/ReutersGoogle co-founder Sergey Brin wearing Google Glass.

Google Glass isn't publicly available, but those in its Explorer program have already found useful ways to use Glass.


From day one, Google has never wanted to dictate what people do with Glass. Using Glass to cook hands-free is one of the examples that came up, Google Glass Director of Marketing Ed Sanders tells Business Insider.

Last week, Google released a video of chef Roy Choi cooking up some Kogi BBQ while wearing Google Glass. In the video, we see how Choi and chefs alike can record their process using Google Glass, and share it with the world.

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Google Glass definitely seems to have a place in the kitchen, and even in the kitchens of fancy restaurants. But what about outside in the real world?

An issue with Glass is that a lot of people automatically don't want to use it because they don't want to wear glasses. So just how does Google plan to get everyday people on board? Well, it's banking on the fact that it can find enough useful ways to wear Glass that will attract the masses.


Other than cooking, Choi says, Glass is also great for people with young kids.

"It's just a fabulous way of catching moments hands-free," Sanders says. In fact, Sanders says, he's been able to capture videos and images of his son that he would not have been able to take otherwise.

But another issue Google Glass has is that bars and other establishments keep deciding to ban people from wearing the Internet-connected glasses because it fears people will secretly film fellow patrons.

"These are very important issues that people have raised," Sanders says. "We're working with our explorers to understand the social acceptance of Glass. Whenever we have new, disruptive tech, it will raise questions and that's OK. What's not OK is when it's forced on people unsuspectingly. The spirit of the explorer program is to have those issues raised, have healthy debate about. It's something we take very seriously."

That's why Google officially launched its list of dos and don'ts, in which it explicitly states not to be "Glasshole".


"This is something that our community is telling us," Sanders says. "In a lot of situations you can turn a blind eye, but it's something people are concerned about, and we have to listen to our explorers."

Google Glass is only available now if you sign up for Google's Explorer program and pay $1,500. It'll likely launch publicly (for a lot less money) later this year.

Check out Choi cooking up some Kogi BBQ below.

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