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Here's what Jony Ive looks for when hiring Apple designers

Mar 14, 2016, 22:16 IST

Getty Images/Michael Kovac

Apple design head Jony Ive gave a bit of advice to designers who would like to work at Apple during an interview with Charlie Rose.

When asked what he looks for when hiring young designers, Ive replied:

Well there was a time the process would normally be someone would submit a portfolio of work, and that would be reviewed, and we would look very specifically what they did, their designs. 

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But I've always been more interested in the way people see the world. This is actually a long time ago now, it was probably 9 or 10 years ago. I arrived late, we were interviewing this guy, and I was late, and I didn't want to be rude, so I stood outside the conference room.

I listened to him, not describe his work, but describe the world as he saw it. And there was a sensitivity that was breathtaking, and you could hear a pin drop, and without seeing one drawing, or one model, or anything he had done, decided we must hire this guy. 


So to me, it's just how we see the world, and to share that ambition based on an understanding to develop an expertise to sincerely join us in trying to make the very best products that we can for each other. 

The answer came at the end of a wide-ranging interview in which Ive, often called the genius behind Apple's products, explained his approach to design, his relationship with former CEO Steve Jobs, and how he incorporates criticism into his creative process.

Although Ive is a designer and likes to speak in sometimes vague, abstract terms, he gave a pretty concrete answer as to why Apple's packaging is so nice. 

"On the packaging, we spend a lot of time on trying to be heavy in our thinking so we can use the materials thoughtfully and lightly, but packaging is more than just protecting the product. It's the first time you get to see and use your product," Ive said. "You've seen the ones on display."

"We enjoy that, but sometimes when it's late, and when it's been a long month, you can wonder why we're worrying so much about the inside of this card flap that tucks under here, that no one will see. But you know it's right," Ive said.


Ive also mentioned that he takes consumer feedback into consideration. "Very harsh criticism is fundamental to what we do. We figured this out a long time ago, but this has become a very fundamental to our process and how we work," Ive explained.

Although the full interview was only published last week, it apparently took place last fall, shortly after Apple launched the iPhone 6S at an event in San Francisco.

The entire interview is worth a view. Watch the full 30 minute interview here:


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