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Here's Which Current-Gen Game Console Is Most Popular In Each State, According To Social Media

Jun 22, 2014, 21:29 IST

If you live in California, you're more likely to be an Xbox One fan on Facebook.


You and 559,999 of your buddies all talk about the Xbox One more than the PlayStation 4 or Wii U.

The Motovo Blog took a look at which consoles garnered the most likes on Facebook in each state, and here are the results:

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The data was based on "likes" of the current-gen consoles: the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Wii U.


Across the board, it seems that people "like" the Xbox One more than the PS4: 22 states prefer the Xbox One, 19 states put the PS4 on top, and 9 states still can't decide whether they're team "Halo" or team "Uncharte."

The Wii U didn't get in the winning category in any state, although it didn't do too poorly in California, where 260,000 residents prefer to play Mario games.

Unfortunately, liking the Xbox One hasn't really translated into sales. As of April, As of April, Sony has sold over 7 million consoles. Microsoft has announced it has sold 5 million. At the beginning of June, Microsoft slashed $100 off the price of the Xbox One, hoping to give it a boost in sales. The newly priced console doesn't come with a Kinect, however.

Check out a more-dynamic map on Motovo's site, which gives you actual number of Facebook fans per state.

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