Your baby may sleep less while teething — here's how you can soothe their pain and help them rest

Your baby may sleep less while teething — here's how you can soothe their pain and help them rest
Baby teeth start to come in when a baby is between 4-7 months old.SolStock/Getty Images
  • A teething baby may have trouble falling asleep and sleep for longer periods at a time.
  • Teething may cause mild gum inflammation and slightly raise your baby's body temperature.

Although it's possible for babies to sleep more when teething, this isn't usually the case. More often, teething disrupts babies' sleep, says Dr. Judith Hoffman, a pediatrician in private practice.

Teething happens when your baby's first set of teeth begins to emerge — though in some rare cases, babies are born with a few teeth.

Baby teeth, also called primary or milk teeth, begin to erupt in phases between 4 and 7 months of age. Most children have a full set of baby teeth by the time they reach age 2 to 3.

Babies often experience discomfort as teeth come through their gums, so teething can cause nighttime fussiness, not to mention lost sleep for you and your baby.

Read on for a deeper dive into how teething might affect your baby's sleep, how to make them more comfortable, and when to call your pediatrician.


How does teething affect sleep?

While teething-related discomfort can make it harder for babies to fall asleep, it may also cause your baby to sleep more during naps and at night. That's because teething often makes them more fussy and irritable, which can tire them out, says Dr. Amanda Stovall, a pediatrician at Springfield Clinic.

Teething symptoms can begin up to a week before a tooth erupts and tend to last for a few days afterward.

Since it takes about a week for a tooth to erupt, you'll probably notice some sleep disruption for up to 2 weeks with each new tooth, Hoffman says.

Other signs of teething

Sleep disruptions and irritability aren't the only ways to tell if your baby is teething — you might also notice:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Drool rash on your baby's face or neck
  • Increased chewing on hands or other objects
  • An inflamed or swollen area on their gums
  • Elevated body temperature of up to 100.4 °F

Keep in mind that teething can involve a mild increase in body temperature, but it doesn't cause moderate or high fevers. Call your child's pediatrician if:

  • Your baby is 3 months or younger and has a temperature higher than 100.4 °F.
  • Your baby is older than 3 months and has a temperature higher than 102.2 °F.

Note: If your baby doesn't yet have any teeth, the bottom two front teeth, or the lower central incisors, are usually the first to erupt. The middle of their lower gums may appear pale or sharper as their teeth prepare to sprout up.

Other reasons your baby could suddenly start sleeping more

If your baby is noticeably sleepier, it doesn't necessarily mean they're teething.

Babies may sleep more than usual as a result of:

  • Illness: It's not uncommon for babies to have a few colds or viral illnesses in their first year because they're still building up their immune systems, Stovall says. "Viruses can make babies sleep more while they are recovering," she says.
  • Growth spurt: "Babies grow a lot in the first year. They tend to sleep a bit more right before a growth spurt," Stovall says. As babies learn to use their voices, discover their hands and feet, and strengthen their muscles for crawling and walking, they use lots of energy, which can cause them to sleep more. But these effects on sleep should only last up to a few weeks, Stovall says.
  • Vaccination: You might notice your baby sleeps more after routine vaccinations, Hoffman says. According to a small 2011 study, infants slept an average of 69 minutes more for the 24-hour period after their 2-month vaccinations than they did during the 24 hours before vaccination. This likely happens because vaccines trigger an immune response, causing the body to act like it's fighting an illness.

Sometimes, sleeping more is just a typical part of development. For instance, babies commonly consolidate sleep — or sleep for more hours at a time during the night — around 4 to 6 months once they gain more weight, Hoffman says.

As long as your baby doesn't have any other symptoms, you probably don't need to be concerned if they suddenly start sleeping a little more.


Note: At 6 months old, your baby should sleep for around 14 hours each day — 10 hours at night and four during the day. By 12 months, they'll likely sleep 11 hours at night and three hours in the daytime.

How to help a teething baby who can't sleep

Teething can be uncomfortable for babies, but you can help ease some of their discomfort with:

  • Teethers and teething rings: You can find a variety of teethers with different textures, many of which you can cool in the refrigerator to further soothe your baby's gums. While hard plastic and rubber teethers are generally safe, the FDA cautions that teething jewelry, often made from amber, silicone, or wood, can increase an infant's risk of injury or infection.
  • Freezing a wet washcloth: If you don't have a teether, you can make one by freezing a wet washcloth and offering it to your baby to chew on. This can be particularly helpful for babies who don't like teethers, Stovall says. You can also freeze a bagel for a baby older than 6 months to gnaw on, Hoffman says.
  • Tylenol: If other methods of soothing your baby don't help, a dose of infant Tylenol (acetaminophen) could ease their pain for a more restful night, Stovall says. Just keep in mind the American Academy of Pediatrics cautions parents not to give acetaminophen to infants under 12 weeks of age unless instructed by a pediatrician.

Important: You'll want to avoid over-the-counter treatments containing benzocaine, such as teething tablets and Orajel. Drool can quickly wash away the medication, making it ineffective. But benzocaine can also become dangerous if ingested, Stovall says.

It can feel frustrating when teething keeps your baby awake and fretful, especially if they were on a great sleep schedule beforehand. While there's no magic remedy for solving infant sleep issues, establishing and keeping up with a bedtime routine, like a bath, nursing, and reading or singing a song, could help them fall asleep easier and sleep for longer.

Sometimes, the only thing you can do is wait it out. If your baby's discomfort disrupts your sleep multiple nights in a row, you might consider enlisting the support of a partner, loved one, or even a temporary nanny to catch up on the sleep you need.


When to call your pediatrician

Hoffman says to contact your pediatrician if your baby suddenly becomes so sleepy that they:

  • Eat significantly less than usual
  • Don't wet their diaper at least once every 6 hours
  • Seem difficult to wake

You'll want to check in with your pediatrician about any drastic sleep changes — whether that means more or less sleep than usual — that last longer than a few days, Stovall says.

It's also a good idea to call your pediatrician if your baby also shows signs of illness, such as:

  • Changes in skin color — their skin may seem bluish, grayish, or paler than usual
  • Sunken or swollen fontanelle (soft spot)
  • Any fever at all, in a baby younger than 12 weeks
  • Coughing or changes in breathing
  • Vomiting or diarrhea

A doctor can rule out potentially serious causes and offer guidance on helpful remedies, which may provide more peace of mind for you.

Insider's takeaway

Teething can be a trying time both for your baby and you. Sometimes, the teething period can cause babies to sleep more, but teething is more likely to disrupt their sleep when it causes too much discomfort.


Taking measures to soothe your baby's gums as they sprout new teeth could help them feel more comfortable and balance out any sleep issues caused by teething.Just remember, teething doesn't cause severe illness or extreme sleep changes. If your baby has any serious or persistent symptoms, like diarrhea, vomiting, or a fever, it's best to give your pediatrician a call.
