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How to lose subcutaneous fat and get your health back on track

Apr 15, 2020, 12:00 IST
  • Subcutaneous fat is fat our bodies store underneath the skin that creates that jiggly sensation.
  • Losing subcutaneous fat will require diet and exercise — ideally a mix of strength training and cardio.
  • Adults who have too much subcutaneous fat and are overweight should get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week, according to the World Health Organization.
  • This article was medically reviewed by Samantha Cassetty, MS, RD, nutrition and wellness expert with a private practice based in New York City.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

When we're thinking of slimming down, we're usually referring to losing subcutaneous fat. This is the fat that lies right beneath the skin and creates that jiggly sensation.

Excess subcutaneous fat isn't as dangerous to your health as excess visceral fat — the fat that sits behind the abdominal muscles and surrounds your internal organs.

However, having a lot of subcutaneous fat is a good indicator that you likely have a lot of visceral fat, which can lead to many health problems such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and premature death.

Here's a guide on how to lose subcutaneous fat, slim down, and improve your health.

What causes subcutaneous fat

Subcutaneous fat is our body's way of storing energy so that our vital organs can still function in the event that food is unavailable.


The way it works is that "the body breaks down food into compounds that can be used for fuel. When there is excess fuel, it is eventually converted into triglyceride and stored in fat," says Jeffrey E. Wonoprabowo, MD, internal medicine physician at Loma Linda University Health.

Therefore, if you have a poor diet or are inactive, it's easy to accumulate a lot of subcutaneous fat because you're consuming more calories than you burn.

How much subcutaneous fat is too much

One of the most common ways to determine body fat is by measuring your skinfolds with a device called a caliper. The caliper provides the thickness of subcutaneous fat.

You can then use the American Council on Excercise's (ACE) handy calculator that takes caliper measurements of the thigh, chest, and abs to estimate your body fat percentage.

The ACE says an acceptable range for body fat percentage in women is 25-31%, and 18-24% in men. Beyond that is considered obese.


"The disadvantage to skinfold calipers is that it is not easily reproducible and can vary from more accurate direct measures of percent body fat by up to 10% or more," says Wonoprabowo.

The more accurate measures he's referring to include other at-home measurements such as waist circumference and waist to hip ratio. Or more intensive and costly testing in a doctor's office, such as through a DXA test, which uses X-ray technology to assess your body composition.

How to lose subcutaneous fat

According to Wonoprabowo, the ease of losing subcutaneous fat versus visceral fat can vary from person to person.

"It's hard to predict how or where one loses fat first. The important thing is that the clinician and patient are working towards that healthy goal," says Wonoprabowo.

Losing subcutaneous fat is not just about changing your diet. "Ultimately, the best way to achieve weight loss involves living a sustainable lifestyle – that includes diet and exercise – and addressing any medical and psycho-social barriers to weight loss," says Wonoprabowo. For example, if you think you have a binge eating disorder, then you should address that first before trying to lose weight through diet and exercise.

When it comes to exercise, Wonoprabowo says a mix of cardio and strength training is the best method to lose subcutaneous fat.


The World Health Organization suggests overweight and obese adults exercise at least 150 minutes throughout the week, which comes out to about 21 minutes per day, or slightly longer workouts with a couple of rest days in between.

As for diet, you're going to want to cut down on processed foods, added sugars, saturated fats, and junk food in general. What specific diet you choose to follow isn't necessarily as important as sustainability. It should be a diet that's healthy and something that will work for you long term, to lose the weight and keep it off.

Making these positive life changes will not just result in you losing subcutaneous fat – you'll also be losing visceral fat. A 2017 meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that visceral fat loss is linked to subcutaneous fat loss. This can result in a slimmer waist, and more importantly, lower risk for health problems associated with excess visceral fat like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and premature death.

If you're successfully losing subcutaneous fat, you'll probably be able to tell. Clothes fitting looser than they did before is a great indicator. Of course, you can also keep track of body fat percentage with a caliper, waist measurements, or scales. However, it's about more than the number on the scale and how you look. Wonoprabowo encourages patients to look at the bigger picture.

"I also like to encourage my patients to look at obesity-related complications. Is their diabetes better controlled? Is their cholesterol better? Is their blood pressure better? Are we able to decrease the number of medications they are taking?" Wonoprabowo says.


Losing subcutaneous fat is a great way to get your health on the right track. If you're having trouble losing weight, speak to your doctor for effective options.

Related stories about weight loss:Read the original article on Insider
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